OPSEU 596 2025 Bargaining FAQ

Q1: When does our current Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) expire?

A1: June 30, 2025

Q2: What happens if we don’t have a new CBA by June 30, 2025?

A2: The existing CBA (2022 - 2025) will continue to be in effect until a new CBA with the employer is negotiated. OPSEU has served a Notice to Bargain to the Employer, which protects the terms and conditions of our Collective Agreement until a new one is ratified.

Q3: When should we expect the negotiation to start?

A3: It is most likely to start in Spring 2025.  We will update the membership as soon as we have more information.

Q4: How do I provide input?

A4: The Bargaining Committee will be working on a Demand Survey, which will be created and shared with the membership to gather your input and be presented at the Demand Set Meeting. 

Membership will be notified the date for the Demand Set Meeting as soon as it is determined. You can speak with a Steward and provide them with your feedback, they will be in contact with the Bargaining Team throughout negotiations.

Q5: How do I get updates?

A5: Updates will be emailed to membership as soon as they are available, and they will also be posted on our local’s website

Q6: Who is involved in our bargaining?

A6: The employer is bargaining with OPSEU. OPSEU is bargaining on behalf of OPSEU596.  Our staff representative assigned by OPSEU/SEFPO Head Office, and the OPSEU596 bargaining team will be involved representing OPSEU596 membership interests at the bargaining table.

Q7: Who is on the OPSEU596 bargaining Team?

A7: The Bargaining Team is made of five team members + two alternates.  

The five Bargaining team members are: 

The two alternates are: