Become A Signed Member

 Please use the link to sign up as a member of OPSEU:

OPSEU Membership Signup Link

As of March 2021 OPSEU has revolutionised on how members can electronically sign up with OPSEU.  The above two pages contain customised links that define which Unit your signing up under.   

Please reference the membership portal guide  OPSEU has created to assist the membership regarding interacting with the membership portal. by OPSEU. 

Why Signing Up Members Matters

The Rand Formula

In Canadian labour law, the Rand formula (also referred to as automatic check-off) makes the payment of union dues mandatory for every worker who is covered by a collective agreement. This formula is designed to ensure that no employee will opt out of the union simply to avoid dues, yet reap the benefits of the union's accomplishments (such as negotiating higher wages, better job security or other benefits). Supreme Court of Canada Justice Ivan Rand made this ruling in 1946 as an arbitration decision ending the Ford strike of 1945 in Windsor, Ontario. The Rand Formula is a compromise.  It requires workers who benefit from a union to have dues deducted from their paycheck. But it does not require them to sign up and become a member of the union. That is their choice.

The Ontario Labour Relations Act - Deduction and remittance of union dues

47. (1) Where a trade union that is the bargaining agent for employees in a bargaining unit so requests, there shall be included in the collective agreement between the trade union and the employer of the employees a provision requiring the employer to deduct from the wages of each employee in the unit affected by the collective agreement, whether or not the employee is a member of the union, the amount of the regular union dues and to remit the amount to the trade union, forthwith.

What difference does it make to the worker?


 (who has not signed a union membership application) has the right to:


(who has signed a union membership application) has the right to:

What difference does it make to the Local?


(bargaining unit employees who have not signed a union membership application)

Signed up Members 

(bargaining unit employees who have signed a membership application)

(The reference to this content was taken from Issue #3 June 2010 from the Local Capacity JumpStart Newsletter)