Out Of Trusteeship!!
Good afternoon Members of Local 596.
I am pleased to inform you that OPSEU/SEFPO Local 596 has been taken out of Trusteeship as per the attached letter. We would like to extend thanks to all L596 members for your patience during this time and express our thanks to your Local leaders who have worked hard to continue to assist the members of your Local and who actively participated in this process. We have full confidence that your Local has the strength and solid leadership to not only sustain itself but to successfully build on this experience. All issues or concerns that precipitated and lead to the Local’s Trusteeship have been examined and resolved.
Soon, the Local will be arranging elections for stewards and Officers of the Local. More information on that is to follow.
In the meantime, the Local leaders, stewards and activists who were appointed under the Trusteeship will retain their current roles and are there to assist and serve the members of Local 596.
Acting Local President - Kella Loschiavo
Acting Vice President - Megan Herrington
Acting Treasurer - Grace He (will also act as Secretary for distribution of communications on behalf of the Local)
Social Media and the Local’s web page - Jason Naughton
Acting Unit Stewards
Kella Loschiavo
Megan Herrington
Grace He
Jason Naughton
Chad Simon
Milton Cole
Jasmine Visto
Elizabeth Mobeen
Aneesh Tiberias Murali
Aneesh Tiberias Murali
Alicia VanDeWeghe
Cheryl Manning
Jessica Machado
Erin Reilly Clarke
(As Acting President, Kella Loschiavo will be included in all committees)
Health & Safety: Melanie Loiselle / Kella Loschiavo
Bylaw Committee: Maricruz Rodriguez Rendon / Aneesh Murali / Sarah Kovacs / Sarah Bukhari / Kella Loschiavo
Pension Committee: Alicia Vande Weghe / Kella Loschiavo
Social and Recreation Committee: Jasmine Visto / Aneesh Murali / Kella Loschiavo
Mandy Dumais
Region 5 Supervisor- Local Services and Collective Bargaining Unit
Ontario Public Service Employees Union (OPSEU/SEFPO)
Tel: 800-268-7376
Cell: 416-518-2368
Fax: 416-497-9377
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