Return To Work

(Posted Aug 5, 2021)

Dear members,

The local union representatives; Kella Loschiavo, Megan Herrington, Jason Naughton and Grace He, have met with the University alongside RFA, CUPE 1& 2 to get information on the current plans for the return to campus.

First we would like to make clear that the University, as the employer, has the right to recall employees back to campus in accordance with provincial mandates and health and safety measures. It is our role to act on behalf of the membership to ensure the campus is safe to return to and that safeguards are considered and put in practice. Secondary to that, we are representing the interest of the membership in bringing forward our concerns around remote work, accommodations, for a fair and reasonable return to campus plans.

With regards to the safety and wellbeing of OPSEU members we have, in conjunction with the union coalition, provided a comprehensive document which outlines our shared concerns and sets forth what we deam is required to mitigate, if not prevent entirely, the spread of variants which have been much discussed in the media as of late. We can say with confidence that the university is taking some steps to provide safety with a focus on classrooms. However, office areas are not deemed high risk and so no testing in those areas has been undertaken to date. The same can be said for lab areas as well. The coalition expressed concerns regarding how they categorize "high risk" and requested that some consideration be made for these spaces. We have a commitment from the university that they will look into it and provide a response when we next meet.

We can share with you that PPE equipment has been considered and that plans are in place to provide to staff what is necessary in accordance with public health guides. In terms of the ventilation and air quality concerns - some steps are being taken to provide adequate air flow exchange and where deemed necessary ventilation equipment has been replaced or is being replaced to meet the current standard. You can go to this link to find more detail on the steps the university is taking. The information on the webpage is the same information that has been provided to us.

The question of mandatory vaccination is on the mind of many people in the Reyrson community. At this time the university will not be putting forward any policy related to mandating vaccinations. Ryerson University encourages (a sentiment shared by Local 596) all employees who are eligible and able to get vaccinated before returning to campus. We understand that for some there may be an underlying medical condition and if that is the case please contact your immediate supervisor to notify them. Accomodations can be made for those who are medically unable.

We also understand that some people are feeling uncertain, there isn't enough information (or maybe too much) to allay your fears. We encourage you to reach out to your family doctor and discuss your concerns around the vaccine and the types of vaccines available. It isn't unreasonable to be concerned when things are happening so rapidly, we only ask that you don't allow those concerns to prevent you from making a decision that can give you (and the community) some protection for the coming Fall. Speaking with a knowledgeable professional can be a great step forward.

We want to caution anyone electing not to be vaccinated that this is a grey area for employers and unions alike. At this time we are unsure of how this decision will impact your employment with the university. We can tell you that the university may not be required to accomodate any employee who has chosen not to vaccinate. Of course your union will be there to support each member and represent your rights, however, this is uncharted territory and we are in consultation with OPSEU head office and others to get advice on this issue and how we will proceed. Please contact the union office if you have elected not to get the vaccine before the expected return in September.

The last item to address is the actual return to campus. The current discussions include further information on the hybrid model. This, of course, means a partial work week dividing scheduled work time between remote and in person. The decision regarding how the work time will be scheduled will be made by department leaders and based on operation needs. Additionally, departmental leads will also be performing a review of the safety of the workspace and will provide feedback to human resources as well as submit requests for equipment if needed.

The hybrid work week will not be applied uniformly across the university. As we have mentioned this decision is made by departmental leaders based on operations. This means that plans for return can include a full week on campus or a partial return. As we have been reminded by the human resource representatives these plans are fluid and subject to change during the next month and perhaps into September. It is our understanding that management staff/department leaders have been advised to reach out to staff to have discussions around the return and to gather feedback. It is also our understanding that plans will begin to solidify in the coming weeks and that by the end of the month staff should be aware of plans to return. If your leaders have not reached you yet please contact them and ask what information they can share with regards to September and notify them of any concerns (such as eldercare, childcare, medical and accessibility) you have with returning.

We will keep you up to date as new information is shared with us. As always we are here to answer any questions and provide support.

In Solidarity,

Kella Loschiavo
Megan Herrington
Jason Naughton

Grace He