Archived Postings

Keep up to date with news and events.   This page will be updated frequently so please stop by regularly!

2025 Bargaining Team Nominations

(Posted Sept 27, 2024)

On Sept 12, 2024 a call for nominations was sent out to the membership regarding creating the bargaining team that will sit at the table negotating the next CBA agreement with the employer.    The Present nominations can be found on the "Bargaining Nominations" page on our website.

Call for Bargaining TEAM Nominations

(Posted Sept 15, 2024)

As of June 30, 2025, our Collective Agreement will be up for renewal. We are preparing to go into negotiations with the employer and our first step is to elect a Bargaining Team. Elections will take place on Wednesday, October 16th from 6-7 pm. 

What does the bargaining team do and what is a team member’s responsibility?

Who can be nominated?

Any signed member can be nominated to represent the membership on the team. 

You will need to have a nominator (this person must be a signed member) or put your name forward. The nominator can send an email in advance of the election to our Secretary, Jason Naughton at Alternatively, nominations can be made on the “floor” the day of the election. Once this process is completed the nominee’s name will be on the ballot for voting.

As with our previous elections, we will include advance nominations in our process to provide time for members to become acquainted with nominees. All nominees will be asked to give a one minute brief introduction on who they are and why they wish to be on the bargaining team.

What governs the process? 

Nominations are conducted in accordance with the 2023 OPSEU Constitution Article 24 as follows:

Article 24 NEGOTIATION AND RATIFICATION PROCEDURES 24.1.1 For purposes of negotiating any collective agreement, the Executive Board shall have full authority to establish procedures for demand setting, selection or election of negotiating teams, conduct of negotiations, and ratification. Any such procedures may be established as regulations under this Article and may be altered by the Board when required, except that categories in the Ontario Public Service bargaining unit must vote separately on tentative wage offers. Regulations in effect at the time of a Sector/Division Conference shall be submitted to the Sector/Division Conference for discussion and approval. Any regulation not approved shall be withdrawn by the Executive Board at its next regular meeting and replaced by new regulations based on discussion at, or guidance given by, the Sector/Division Conference. All Locals shall be notified promptly by mail of any additions to or changes in regulations enacted by the Board between Sector/Division Conferences. 

In the Collective Agreement Article 6.03(d):

6.03(d) Negotiating Committee For purposes of negotiations to arrive at this and the renewal of this Agreement, the University will recognize the Union Negotiating Committee of five (5) persons who are members of the bargaining unit. They shall be granted time-off during their normal working hours to attend negotiation meetings with the University and shall suffer no loss of normal salary while attending such meetings. It is understood that this clause applies to meetings held during the employee's normal working hours and that no overtime compensation will be granted for meetings extending beyond the employee's normal working hours.

In addition to the core Bargaining Team, there are also two (2) alternate positions open for election. In the event that a Bargaining Team member is not able to continue with negotiations, an “alternate” will step into the position. The election process will cover all seven (7) positions. 

What is the process with the election and voting?

Quorum is required to validate the election. For our local, quorum must be 5% of the total unit in accordance with article 29.8.2 of the 2023 OPSEU Constitution. Once quorum is reached the meeting will officially begin and we will open with nominations. We will begin the nominations on the floor and then proceed to the early nominations. All nominees will be listed on the ballot. 

We will then proceed with a run off ballot process by which the order of elected officials will be decided by highest number of votes or ranking. A run off ballot will not be necessary if there are only 7 nominees for the 7 positions. 

What can the members expect after the Bargaining Team is elected?


Once the Bargaining Team is elected, they will provide a negotiation schedule for 2025. 

Join Us for "Coffee and Conversation" Drop-In Sessions!

(Posted June 30, 2024)

We are excited to announce our new "Coffee and Conversation" drop-in sessions starting this July 9th, 2024 , designed for casual, open discussions on important union topics. Come by, enjoy a cup of coffee, and share your thoughts with fellow members.

Where: Union Office, POD 247-A

Upcoming Topics:

No need to RSVP – just drop in! We look forward to seeing you there.

Why Signing up Members Matters

(Posted May 29, 2024)

Wondering why you should be a signed member?  Well there's quite a few reasons why you should become one such as:

Read more about becoming a signed member on our "Become A Signed Member" Page.  

Unit 2 Finalizes their CBA!

(Posted Apr 2, 2024)

Our Union brothers and sisters from Unit 2 finalized their CBA today!!    The CBA has been posted.

Executive Re-Acclaimed for the 2024-2026 Term

(Posted Apr 2, 2024)

Thanks for the membership for showing up and re-electing the Local Exective.  Our steward body has been confirmed and moving forward for the next two years our executive will continue to be:

Our Trustees for the next two years will also be:

Read All About It Collective Agreement Comes In!!

(Posted January 25, 2024)

After a long negotiation process, followed by the amendments, the formal Collective Bargaining Agreement has been posted!   Let's reach out to our bargaining team again and give them all a vote of praise for pulling this through.

Membership FAQ Created!!

(Posted Dec 13, 2023)

Our President, Kella Loschiavo  and our Vice President, Megan Herring have been hard at it!   There's an dynamic FAQ that will be built apon over the weeks and years to come.  Check out the Membership FAQ.

Draft 2023 - 2025 Salary Grid

(Posted Sept 5, 2023)

There has been a number of requests regarding the negotiated April 2023 CBA salary grid.  The Local is presently waiting for the employer to formally post the updated salary grid.  Yet while we wait for the employer to get their act in motion you can see a draft verion that was put together by our local.

CUPE 233 Possible Strike Action April 17, 2023

(Posted April 13, 2023)

On Tuesday, be advised that CUPE 233, representing custodians, groundskeepers and maintenance workers at TMU, is in legal strike position as of April 13th.   The CUPE 233 has begun a work-to-rule position today, following a failed mediation session at the Ministry of Labour yesterday.  The work-to-rule action will end Sunday evening at 10:30pm.   CUPE has advised the employer that if no agreement has been reached by Sunday evening, a full scale strike action will begin on Monday morning April 17.   The CUPE bargaining team has indicated that it is available to resume negotiations at any time if the employer is prepared to bring a new proposal.   CUPE 233 members are one of the lowest paid employee groups on the TMU campus and have been in negotiations with the university for months for decent pay and pension equity. [Read OPSEU FAQ Regarding Striking Unions]

OPSEU 596 Tentative Agreement Reached

(Posted April 6, 2023)

Your bargaining team met in conciliation with the Employer today. We are happy to announce that we have reached a tentative agreement. More information and ratification details to follow.

In solidarity,

Your OPSEU Local 596 Bargaining Team

Kella Loschiavo, Local President

Megan Herrington, Local Vice-President

Alicia VanDeWeghe, Steward

Sibat Anam, Steward

Aneesh Tiberias Murali, Steward

Elizabeth Mobeen, Steward

Carla Carubba, OPSEU/SEFPO Staff Representative

Workers Day!!!

(Posted April 6, 2023)

Support Your Bargaining Team

(Sept 7, 2022)

Support your bargaining team with:

Show management that the membership is behind the bargaining team!

XFA, OPSEU 596, CUPE 3904, and CUPE 233
Respond to Campus Return To Work Concerns

(Sept 7, 2022)

Several universities in the province (including Western, Windsor, Laurier, Ontario Tech, OCAD, Brock) have adopted more robust measures in their return to campus strategy and implementation protocols. For example, Western requires COVID-19 booster and masking in instructional spaces to preserve “the in-person learning experience.” They go on to further cite several compelling rationales, including the commentary by Dr. Saverio Stranges, Public Health Physician & Chair of Epidemiology and Biostatistics:


“Mitigating the risk of transmission of COVID-19 as well as of severe outcomes from the infection can be effectively achieved with a combination of masking and vaccination,” said Stranges. “This also reduces severity of symptoms and protects those immunocompromised individuals in our community. There is no doubt that this approach will help keep people out of hospitals and preserve on-campus teaching and learning.”

The presidents of the four TMU campus unions wrote collectively to the TMU senior Administration, expressing their dissatisfaction with the TMU announcement and requesting a meeting to discuss it. ( read more )

Bargaining Team Elected!

(June 10, 2022)

The Bargaining team has been setup for negotiating the 2022 CBA. 

Bargaining Team:


Looking forward to a successful new CBA in 2022!!

Election Results Are In!

(March 4, 2022)

The membership voted and the local executive:

Were elected to represent the OPSEU Local 596 membership.  Read all about the election results.

Initial Executive Nominations Are In!!

(Feb 16, 2022)

The initial Nominations for the local executive officers have been collected.  You can view them here.

Black History Month: February and Forever (Part One)

OPSEU/SEFPO proudly represents thousands of members identifying as Black or of African Caribbean descent. In part one of this Black History Month series of OPSEU/SEFPO Talk, First Vice-President / Treasurer Eduardo (Eddy) Almeida sits down with three Black OPSEU/SEFPO activists – Coleen Houlder, Selvin (Junior) Lennon, and Megan Carter. 

In the episode (found here), Eddy, Coleen, Junior and Megan discuss:

Stewards Recognised and Acclaimed

(Posted Feb 1st, 2022)

The local membership should be pleased to know that as of Feb 1st, 2022, thirty stewards were acclaimed and recognised by OPSEU.    Now that the stewardship has been defined the local will be moving forward towards providing elections for the officers of the local.  Stay tuned for further upcoming information regarding the elections.   You can see a list of the standing stewards here.

Call For Stewards!

(Posted Jan 24, 2022)

As of today, January 24th 2022, *Call for nominations for Local Steward positions is open. The call for nomination period will close on February 1st, 2022 at 4pm. [ Read More ]

Ryerson Delay's Re-Opening

(Posted Dec 16, 2021)

As we approach the end of our fall semester, I am sure that many of you are following the news on the rise of the Omicron variant in our province and are concerned about how this will impact our Winter 2022 semester. The university is monitoring this closely and continues to respond to guidance from our government and public health authorities in planning for January. 

As you know, we have been planning for a broader in-person return for some time now, and remain committed to in-person learning, while also prioritising the health and safety of our community. That is why, in consultation with leaders from across the university, we have made the decision to hold classes virtually until January 30. [ Read More ]

Termination Of Trusteeship!!!

(Posted Dec 16, 2021)

On February 3, 2021, the Executive Committee of OPSEU/SEFPO met to review a number of concerns brought forward by members of Local 596. In accordance with Articles 16.9.1 and 16.9.3 of the OPSEU/SEFPO Constitution, following a review of the evidence and debate, the Executive Committee voted unanimously to place Local 596 under trusteeship. [ Read More ]

Return To Campus Survey

(Posted Dec 9, 2021)

We are also asking that members take time to fill out the survey we’ve included in this message so we can have a broader picture of what is happening across the campus.

Return to Campus Survey

Return to Campus - Update #5

(Posted Dec 9, 2021)

At this time the majority of staff should have been notified of the return to campus plan for the Winter 2020 term. We understand that many of you have questions about the return and we have been working, as we did last term, with the three other unions to address these concerns with the university. As it was last term we have not found the university’s response to be satisfactory and we continue to seek clarity. We want to share what information we have so far and to provide you with the steps that can be taken under the Collective Agreement where applicable.

[ Read More ]

Region 5 (Toronto Regional Office),

will be hosting a Virtual Educational

(Posted Nov 3, 2021)

This 6-hour course provides new activists and stewards with the tools to create a profile of the diverse members the steward represents, and an understanding of the questions to pursue after the course. Participants will receive a basic orientation to the role of stewards and other LEC members and will develop an understanding of the structure of OPSEU/SEFPO. Information about key union resources will be provided, as well as options for resolving workplace issues, including the steps of the grievance process and common labour terms and vocabulary. [ Read More ]

Ontario Human Rights Commission

Releases News Letter

(Posted Sept 22, 2021)

On September 1, 2021, the Ontario government announced that starting September 22, Ontarians will need to be fully vaccinated (two doses plus 14 days) and provide proof of vaccination along with photo ID to access certain public settings and facilities. By October 22, Ontario plans to develop and implement an enhanced digital vaccine certificate with unique QR (Quick Response) code that will verify vaccination status when scanned. [ Read More ]

Message from

Ontario Federation of Labour

(Posted Sept 15, 2021)

There is no time to waste. Many students are already back in the classroom and there is still no strong back to school safety plan to protect stud ents and education workers. [ Read More ]

Is it safe enough to return to campus?

What do public health scientists say?

(Posted September 7, 2021)

An interactive expert panel discussion followed by a Q&A

September 9th, 2021 at 7-9PM

You are invited to join us for an interactive panel discussion with leading health and safety experts in epidemiology, indoor air quality, bioaerosols, bioethics, population health equity, and more. Following brief presentations by the panelists, there will be an extended Q & A. [ Read More }

Mandatory vaccinations: Frequently Asked Questions

(Posted September 3, 2021)

With the fourth wave of the COVID-19 crisis upon us, many employers in Ontario have been developing workplace policies calling for mandatory vaccines and testing. The Ford government has also announced a vaccine passport will be brought in this month.

As members continue to navigate these challenging times and, in many cases, plan their own return to the traditional workplace, they have asked OPSEU/SEFPO about these policies, and their impact on workers’ personal health choices and working conditions. [ Read OPSEU FAQ ]

Return to Work Update

(Posted Aug 5, 2021)

The local union representatives; Kella Loschiavo, Megan Herrington, Jason Naughton and Grace He, have met with the University alongside RFA, CUPE 1& 2 to get information on the current plans for the return to campus.

First we would like to make clear that the University, as the employer, has the right to recall employees back to campus in accordance with provincial mandates and health and safety measures. It is our role to act on behalf of the membership to ensure the campus is safe to return to and that safeguards are considered and put in practice. Secondary to that, we are representing the interest of the membership in bringing forward our concerns around remote work, accommodations, for a fair and reasonable return to campus plans.  [ Read More ]

Latest Treasurer Report Out

(Posted July 27, 2021)

The Treasurer has released the latest financial report regarding the local's finances. (Read all about it here)

Ryerson's Unions Become Coalition

(June 2,2021)

In June CUPE 3904, OPSEU 596,CUPE 233 and the RFA all met up to review the health and safety concerns regarding the possible return to campus for their members.   The  formal letter:

June 4th Letter to Ryerson Regarding Return to Campus

was presented to Ryerson's administration pointing out 50+ areas of concern regarding the proposal to have the members return to campus.   OPSEU continues to meeting with the Coalition to ensure it's member's concerns are addressed.

OPSEU/SEFPO Leadership Message 2021

(Posted April 25, 2021)

We want to thank each and every one of you for your leadership during the past year. OPSEU/SEFPO is a team effort, and we could not represent our members effectively during these difficult times without your fantastic leadership at the local level. 

On December 7, 2020, with the health risks posed by the COVID-19 pandemic in mind, OPSEU/SEFPO’s Executive Board made the decision to postpone Convention 2021. The Convention Planning Committee has arranged to engage with local presidents/highest ranking and select committee members by distributing this leadership message which includes central and regional updates.

Please view our video by clicking this link: Leadership Message 2021

(read more)

Are you a Canadian Injured Worker?

(Posted April 25,2021)

The Canadian Injured Workers Alliance and its team of researchers are looking for Canadians who have had a workplace injury to take part in a study on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.

For this study you will be asked to complete a short survey on the impact of the pandemic on you. All responses will be used to generate knowledge to create action plans to support injured workers.

To be part of our important research project, click the link below to read the letter of information and consent and complete the survey.

Please complete the survey by Friday, May 7, 2021.

Exploring the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Canadian Injured Workers

(by Terri Szymanski from OPSEU Health and Safety Officer.)

OPSEU Wellness Series

(Posted April 13, 2021)

Ryerson  like to encourage you to register for the Wellness Series tailored to our OPSEU community. Please find more information on the series below:

Supporting Ourselves and Others During COVID-19

Speaker: Sean Hale, Psychotherapist and Organizational Development Professional

Date: Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Time: 1:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.

Registration link

#SafeSocial: Creating a Healthy Balance With Social Media

Speaker: Bailey Parnell, Founder & CEO, SkillsCamp

Date: Thursday, April 29, 2021

Time: 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.

Registration link

Ontario In Shutdown!

(Posted April 8, 2021)

The Ontario government, in consultation with the Chief Medical Officer of Health and other health experts, is immediately declaring a third provincial emergency under s 7.0.1 (1) of the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act (EMPCA). These measures are being taken in response to the rapid increase in COVID-19 transmission, the threat on the province's hospital system capacity, and the increasing risks posed to the public by COVID-19 variants... (read more...)

Interim Trustee Report is In!

(Posted March 8, 2021)

The trustee of the local 596, Edie Strachan has released an interim report regarding the state of the local.   It looks like the local will remain in trusteeship for at least another 90 days. (read more)..

Becoming A Signed Member Just Got Easier!

(Posted March 2, 2021)

OPSEU has recently migrated to using Electronic signup!   Becoming a signed member of our local just got easier.

Become a Signed Member!

You can also update the information that OPSEU has on file about you via the membership portal.

Former President - Cease and Desist

(Posted March 2, 2021)

OPSEU has formally requested the former president Aman Rajwani to cease and desist.   Members should be aware OPSEU has declared that Aman Rajwani is "not authorized by OPSEU or the Local to represent any OPSEU member, or to hold yourself out as a Union representative.  You are directed to cease and desist from doing so.  OPSEU will not be  responsible for any consequences, legal or otherwise, which may follow from your actions since the  trusteeship on February 4, 2021, or since the termination of your employment on February 15, 2021. " -- Warren (Smokey) Thomas (read more)

Attention Members! - OPSEU Educational

(Posted Feb 9, 2021)

Upcoming Zoom Classes on: OFL Prevention Link ‘Rights and Obligations’ and ‘Benefits and Services’


Registration Deadline: Friday March 19, 2021 4:00pm, Email   Please complete and attach the Application and the Human Rights Accommodations forms.

OPSEU Local 596 In Trusteeship!

(Posted Feb 9, 2021)

On February 3, 2021 the Executive Committee met to review concerns brought to the Union by members of Local 596.   As per:

of the Constitution, and following a review of evidence presented and debated, the Executive Committee voted unanimously to place Local 596 under trusteeship.   Effective immediately,  Edie Strachan, Region 5 Vice-President, is appointed as trustee. The trustee has full authority over the business of the local. Trusteeship will be reviewed after 30 days.

Any meetings, including general membership meetings that were scheduled by the former president and/or LEC are cancelled until further notice and instruction from the Trustee.

(Read More memo from OPSEU HQ)

Latest Treasurer Report Out

(Posted Jan 14, 2021)

The Treasurer has released the latest financial report regarding the local's finances.  (Read all about it here)

Enhanced Province Wide Shutdown

(Posted Jan 12, 2021)

As of January 12 2021, the Province of Ontario has implemented further shutdown measures [1].  These measures will take effect as of January 14, 2021.   The province wide shutdown measures will remain in effect until February 11, 2021.

Enforcement personnel will have the authority to issue tickets to individuals, employees and corporations in retail settings and  businesses if found not complying with an order (e.g. staff member or customer not wearing a face covering.)

( Read all about the measures here. )

Emergency LEC Meetings

(Posted Dec 21, 2020)

There were two emergency LEC meeting invites sent out today.  The OPSEU Staff representative, Pauline Cheslock, was in attendance at both meetings.    The LEC representatives were given only 3 hours to respond to each invite.   

At the noon meeting, our staff representative pointed out that the meeting's agenda was out of order and needed to be taken to the membership via GMM.  This meeting did not pass the approval of the agenda.

At the  3pm meeting, the LEC representatives were asked to pass minutes of the 9am meeting.  Not all representatives at this meeting attended the 9am meeting.    The meeting abruptly ended when the motion to pass the prior meeting minutes did not get passed.

Please note there was no motion regarding any sort of funding in either meeting regardless to what has been circulated otherwise.  Please reach out to your LEC Unit stewards for more in depth understanding of what transpired. -- Jason Naughton

OPSEU HQ Message for all

(Posted Dec 18, 2020)

Treasurer Report In!

(Posted Aug 25, 2020)

A Treasurer's update is out.   Hat's off to our new treasurer Grace He as she found an outstanding $120,842 in funds owing to the Local from OPSEU dating back from 2017.  On only her first term as treasurer too!!! NICE CATCH! -- Jason Naughton, (read more...)

Ontario Declares Post Secondary Open

(Posted June 11, 2020)

Starting in July 2020, limited in-person education and training may restart for students who were not able to graduate due to COVID-19 closures. This first phase will allow institutions to reopen to provide in-person instruction to students in essential, frontline, and high labour market demand areas, such as nursing, personal support workers, engineering, and other critical professions. Thousands of students across the province could benefit from this summer's reopening.

In September, all students will have the opportunity to attend postsecondary education through virtual learning, in-class instruction, or hybrid formats. (read more...)

Black Lives Mater

(posted June 5, 2020)

These three words best describe a global community's feelings of hurt, heartbreak, and frustration in response to the recent police-involved and unnecessary deaths of black people in Canada and in the United States.  (read more...)

(posted June 5, 2020)

The protests in Canada, the United States, and Europe demonstrate a strong commitment from people of all races and backgrounds to speak out against systemic racism. The words “I Can’t Breathe” and “Black Lives Matter” appeal to humanity as a painful reminder that all is not as equal as it should be. We can, and must, do more to create equality among all. #BlackoutTuesday

Ministry Of Health

Releases Document of COVID 19 Symptoms

(Posted May 27, 2020)

On May 25, 2020 the Ontario Ministry of Health released a Document of Symptoms regarding COVID 19.  Read About it here.

(Posted April 30, 2020)

For 130 years, workers around the world celebrated May Day.

They did so in times and places where that was incredibly difficult, where dictatorial regimes banned their actions, where employers and their thugs used violence against them.

Nothing could stop us from having our day, the day workers everywhere can call our own.

Nothing -- until COVID-19 came along.

Today, hundreds of millions of us are unable to go to our regular workplaces.  Our front-line workers take enormous risks every day.  The global economy is in free-fall and never before were our unions needed more than they are now.

May Day 2020 must go ahead, and if we can't meet in the streets, we'll meet online.

Tomorrow, Friday, LabourStart in partnership with global unions is going live with a 12 hour broadcast on the net.

We have everything you'd expect from a May Day celebration.

I'd like to invite you to do two things this May Day:

1. Join us from 07:00 UTC (08:00 in London) until 19:00 here:

2. Make sure that other members of your union -- and the general public too -- know about this historic event.  Spread the word!

Thank you -- and see you on May Day!

Eric Lee

Ontario Releases April 20th, 2020 COVID 19 Modeling Info

(Posted April 21, 2020)

Ontario looks like it's Flattening the curve!   (Read it here)

Benefits/Pension Fact Sheet Released WRT COVID19

(Posted April 14, 2020)

OPSEU has released a COVID 19 fact sheet with regards to COVID 19 (read it here).  There is also a WSIB Incident report form with specific regards to COVID 19.   Both documents are available from the COVID 19 website page.

Navigating Your Rights During COVID 19 Crisis

(posted April 6,2020)

OPSEU HQ FAQ with regards to members rights.  (read more here)

Suspending legislated time limits

(posted April 4, 2020)

Last week, the Government of Ontario issued a regulation under the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act, suspending legislated limitation periods for the duration of the state of emergency.  (read more here)

Ontario COVID 19 Projections Model

(posted April 3, 2020)

Read all about it here!  Hopefully we can flatten the curve and get back to work as soon as possible.

COVID 19 Information Source

(posted March 31, 2020)

OPSEU Local 596 has put up a dedicated page regards to various information regarding COVID 19.  Read About it here.

WSIB Ontario Novel Coronavirus Claims

(posted March 27, 2020)

WSIB describes the COVID 19 claim documentation provides  entitlement guidelines for claims for COVID-19. 

Ontario Legislation regarding COVID 19

(posted March  27, 2020)

Ontario Legislature has passed the New Employment Standards Amendment Act (Infectious Disease Emergencies) 2020 to provide job-protected leave to employees in isolation or quarantine due to COVID-19, or those who need to be away from work to care for children because of school or day care closures or to care for other relatives (Read About it here)

OPSEU Local 596 BBQ




It's that time of year again for our annual OPSEU BBQ!

Non-perishable food donations will be collected and will be given to Ryerson University students in need through the Good Food Centre.

To register and for detailed dietary information, see email from James. Please contact the Union Office if you did not receive the email.

Message from OPSEULOCAL 596 President

(Posted March 7, 2019)

So your delegates will be ranked as Kella, Gloria, Elizabeth, Alicia, and Melanie, and Aman will be our alternate.


October 18, 2018

The new event has been named Harvestivus and will feature a live band, karaoke, prizes, food, and fun!

There will be two settings:

Due to construction on campus, the event will take place in Kerr Hall Upper Gym. Meal options will be included in the coming invitation

We encourage all members to attend as this event is more than a social gathering; it is a show of solidarity to Ryerson leadership and HR, both of whom will be in attendance. It is particularly important given that this is a Bargaining year, as well as to build on the momentum from our open meeting on Aug. 22.

Looking forward to seeing everyone on Oct. 18 - this one's bound to knock your gourd off!

Wednesday, Sept 5, 2018

12 p.m. - 2 p.m.

Upper Gym, Kerr Hall West (KHW 273 etner from 379 Victoria Street)

We Own It!

(Posted January 23, 2018)

The Ontario Liberal Party is having their Annual General Meeting this weekend at the Westin Harbour Castle Hotel

Weownit activists will be in front of the Hotel talking to Liberals on the high cost of Privatization and urging them to keep Public Services in Public Hands.

Please support the Weownit activists, (Friday February 2nd) between 4.30 p.m. and 6 p.m.   Many hands make light work.

Date:    Friday February 2, 2018

Time:   4.30 p.m. to 6.00 p.m.

Place:   Westin Harbour Castle Hotel, 1 Harbour Square, Toronto


Festive Lunch!!! -

posted Nov 8, 2017, 12:19 PM by V.P. Communications  

This year's festive lunch will be held on 2 days, Nov 30 and Dec 4th.   You should all already have been notified by James through the email broadcast.  If someone hasn't received the email please have them contact the Union office to register.

New Website Design!

(October 2017)

The website goes under construction once again.  We've been looking over the site and trying to become mobilized!!   So now when you visit the site on your mobile phone, tablet or home computer you should have a wonderful experience regardless how you get here.